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Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

"My Name Is Mark"

My name is Mark I was born in Texas 26 January 1990 I was a sixth semester student majoring in accounting diuniversitas Astoria, I'm so glad I learned to study accounting for accounting is full of challenges and full of thoroughness, I have two younger men - men named James and bob and a younger sister named siska he was very clever in its class, my father and my mother benama George called lauren was like fishing my dad and mom loved to make new dishes, they both love each other.
We live in a village named tedeon, approximately 23km from texas, a small village full of peace, in the yard of a house lot crops among his roses, maoni trees and other plants that can be useful for medicine. There is also a fish pond yan contains 7 species of freshwater fish
1) Whose father's name marks ...
a) George
b) Bob
c) Smith

2) Where a mark is born ...
a) texas
b) tedeon
c) austin
3) where university mark ...
a) Astoria
b) Aostria
c) Astria
4) who mark mother's name ...
a) lauren
b) siska
c) Clare
5) whether the name of the village where the mark lives ...
a) tedeon
b) texas
c) Astoria
6) what is the distance mark village from the town of texas ...
a) 32 km
b) 23 km
c) 43 km
7) sipakah younger brother name mark ...
a) james and siska
b) james and bob
c) siska
8) whose sister's name marks ...
a) james and siska
b) siska
c) james and bob
9) whether the father's hobby mark ...
a) cook
b) fishing
c) horse
10) whether the mother's hobby mark ...
a) cook
b) fishing
c) horses

"Vacation To California"

Saturday 27 March 2007, my name is Andrew today me and my family of my plans to go berlubur to california I was very happy especially my younger sister named Monica, she always said I'll buy new clothes shoes Barbie and Pinocchio hat, just hours 7: 00 we finally depart.
Arriving in California we live in. autrend hotel which is not far from the coast of Marbella, after lunch we went pegi kepantai Marbella, do not forget that it is very meyukai monica beach, in the afternoon at 18:00 we Hars water back to the hotel because the beach has begun pairs. I'm very happy at all if only for a few moments. At 20:00 my dad knocked on the door and took our dinner buffet meal at the café restaurant ta distance away from the hotel where we stayed.

1) Where Andrew and family vacation ...
a) California
b) Stamford
c) Texas
2) What is the title of the story above ...
a) Vacation
b) California
c) Vacation california
3) Who is Andrew's sister's name ...
a) Monica
b) Grasia
c) siska
4) At what Andrew and the family left the house ...
a) Hours 07: 00 right
b) At 18: 00 right
c) exactly 16:00 hours
5) What is the name of the hotel stay temapt Andrew and family ...
a) Autron
b) Autrend
c) Aostria
6) Apkah name Andrew family beach vacation spot ...
a) Marsella
b) Marbeliso
c) Marbella
7) Where is Andrew and family dinner ...
a) Café buffet restaurant
b) At the hotel
c) On the beach
8) Who is very fond of the beach ...
a) Andrew
b) Monica
c) Andrew and monica
9) Berapaah number of paragraphs in the story above ...
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
10) When Andrew and the family went on vacation ...
a) 27 March 2007
b) 29 March 2007
c) 17 March 2007